Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 418 - What I have learned (until now)

1. Good, True, Beauty. The problem is you cannot have all of them at once. One or two is always missing. More of that: Good is not necessarily True and Beautiful. Beauty is not always Good and True. True is not necessarily Good and Beautiful.
2. Life is about more than home, family and kids. It is about having a goal in life - a goal that once accomplished leaves behind you valuable things for the people to come.
3. True love is the love that let you live and be who you really are. If you love somebody, set them free. Turning somebody in the person you need is using that person. You are the sole responsible for you choices, don't blame the partner for not being what you thought it should be. You are always free to leave and to admit your choice was wrong, even after 20 years.
4. Kids are not angels. They are irresistible fascinating monsters - and you cannot do anything else but to love them and take care of them until they will no longer need you. You did the same to your parents. It is the most powerful, strange, cruel, perverse, irresistible kind of love.
5. The engine of life is the continuous search of pleasure as a medication against loneliness. Feeling good is making loneliness more bearable. And many times is simply placebo.
6. Happiness is not up to you. The pursue of happiness - the hardest part - is up to you and the result is called love. Love is something you build every day if you have the right terrain, the right materials, the right team, the right motivation, the right design, enough resources and a lot of luck. But love is not Heaven.
7. Love is not the same thing with being in love. Love is something you achieve. Being in love is something that is hitting you out of nowhere like a storm. And it could be only a summer light storm or a devastating hurricane. Being in love can bring after the storm hatred, disappointment, sorrow, tears, illness, bad or even evil. True love is never doing this. Being in love is often an illusion. True love is a certitude. And guess what? Is not for life. You can discover in the end that you don't longer need this certitude. Live with it.
8. Humans are not born equal. Every human being is an unique entity. Between unique individuals, unique relationships are established. And there are no recipes.
9. We are not meant to achieve the supreme Truth. We can only use utilities of Truth.
10. You can only do Good from Bad, because there is nothing else you can obtain Good from.
11. The biggest mistake of the human race is the illusion that there are several different Gods. There is only one God, no matter how you call it. Once they altered faith with religion, war begun. Religion did that to people, not Faith.
11. True faith is something else than religion and Church. Religion is the politics of Faith and Churches are its institutions. The problem is that this politics are done without the fundamental democratic principle of vote. It is an dictatorship that allows people to kill each other only because they see God differently.
12. What we have different must unite us in the same measure that what we have in common brings us together.
13. Fidelity is about spirit, friendship, admiration and respect between human beings, regardless of sex. It is not about flesh, lust and sexuality between sexual beings. The need for sex is the same thing like thirst, hunger, sleep, breathe... If you say "I am hungry" or "I am thirsty" is OK. But if you say "I need sex" then everything turns into a problem and people are looking at you as if you are ill or obsessed. There is nothing wrong in that. Having TOO MUCH of everything is wrong.
14. What, how and when you communicate is choosing you audience. And you got to assume it responsibly.
15. If someone stops being your friend then it was never your friend. And this is valid also for YOU.
14. Pornography is never about the depiction of sex. The real pornography is about ugly, bad, mediocrity, hypocrisy, "politically correct", discrimination, lie, hatred, crime. Blaming only the pornography is an excuse for all the rest. It is like this ferocious campaign against smoking, when the real danger comes from pollution. What's the point in struggling against smoking if we are killing this Earth every day with pollution?
16. A good, valuable, artistic image is the one that tells your brain and soul more that it shows to your eyes.
17. Sometimes radical honesty and seismic change are far more useful and good than "true lies", "diplomatic lies", lying by omission, positive compromises, compassion and all the rest. Nothing and nobody on this Earth can guarantee with no doubt that everybody must be saved in the end. And it is happening every day.
18. The image that a woman have about herself - in generally and/or naked in the mirror is completely different - and false - from the way other people are perceiving her. Mirrors and clothes are lying.
19. Woman is superior to man. They are complementary, but not equal. While men are born from women, women are born from women too. And a woman is always choosing with one second in advance, whether aware of this or not. If a woman admits to be submissive, is because it is her choice. Man got to admit it, understand it, live with it and relax. We are all sons of Woman. Man has no chance in life other then being the Queen's Chevalier and friend partner. Chevalier's sword can save Queen's throne, but the Queen can choose to have her First Knight beheaded. A very good chevalier is the one that in the end can convince a Queen to set him free, to release him from duty.
2o. A genial idea can be easily killed by an inappropriate way of presenting it or putting it at work.
21. Enjoy yourself. It's later than you think...

I wrote all above not to give you advices, solutions or recipes. I wrote it the because I felt like doing it and because this is my blog. Take it or leave it.

Thank you. And have a nice... everything.


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