Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 419 - Romania

Romania. My country. A democratic dictatorship of a mediocre, retrograde, hypocrite and full of prejudices overwhelming majority over a small minority of good people. And this is happening for 17 years through the democratic principle of free universal vote. Romanians are masters in playing the role of good, hard workers when in fact they are doing almost nothing. A quantity with no quality is after all nothing. They are constantly missing the point and out of focus, but very proud of this - after all, the democracy gives also the freedom of foolishness.
The main characteristic of living in Romania today is the negative stress. It takes 100 more times, nerves and energy to do a simple, logic and normal thing than in any other developed democratic country. Yes, the country is beautiful, but the people are - for example - cutting and stealing whole forests just to be exposed afterwards to terrific natural catastrophes.
Of course that there are positive exceptions - but they are ONLY EXCEPTIONS. In Romania, normal is the exception from the rule.
Being a patriot today is not hiding the shit under the carpet floor, but speaking loud and clear about what's wrong and doing whatever you can to repair it, starting from your life, house, street, garden, family, job, circle of friends. Even starting with having the correct behavior while you drive your car in the traffic.
I go to elections every time not trusting any of the politicians. I always have to make my choice between the little evil and the big evil. I know there is no point in it, but I am still going. I am surviving here like a citizen living in the worst district of an famous and prosperous town with that hope that someday my neighborhood will be like the rest of the city. I am an European citizen now living in Romania - and until my country will reach the European standard, I prefer to say so. So, I am an European citizen, Romanian by origin.
I had many chances in the past to establish myself in another country. I decided to stay here, to INVEST MY LIFE here. I made a family, kids, I built a house, I work hard, I pay my taxes, I behave in the traffic, I go to elections, I helped a lot of people, I got very ill and miraculously get cured in the end, I was actively involved in the society life writing thousand of articles, hoping to make a point. But nevertheless I received back the same old shit. The respect I deserve was payed to me from abroad, from people that even didn't know how I look like.
And this happened only because they saw my work, my images.
I am not complaining, I am just telling you what is happening here.
For me, the true Romania was once and it is what's to come. Today is a mutant.
I feel like a sweet water marine animal forced to adapt and survive in salt waters.


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