Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 353 - Photographers

In my opinion, regarding the nude photography - there are 3 categories of photographers.
First, we have the photographer that manages to bring out the worst from that naked model. And this is lack of talent and culture. And this is obscene, not because she is naked, but for the lie within.
Second, we have the photographer that is able only to depict a naked woman. He is undressing her and that's all. So we have, plain and simply, an image with a naked woman. This is mediocrity. And it is boring.
Third, we have the photographer that brings out the most beautiful in a woman - ANY WOMAN. And this is the artistic nude, the work of art.

And there is a fourth category, but this is rather an image category. That skillful (technical) approach used to create inexistent women - for commercial reasons - with the great aid from plastic surgeons and Adobe Photoshop. In other words, covering the anatomy imperfections with surgery and masks, and boosting the qualities of flesh with make-up - real or virtual - and artificial light. This approach creates cold, artificial flesh statues - as stuffed animals exposed in a natural science museum or the wax statues.

I have nothing against this commercial imagery, as long as is not presented and promoted as art.
Finally, no artificial lights system - no matter how expensive and sophisticated - is able to recreate the magic of natural light as perceived by human eye.
In my vision, the natural light is the quality and quantity of light existent in a certain location at a certain moment without any intervention from the photographer.


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