Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 363 - Clooney


"The Good German"

"Good Night, and Good Luck" - directed by Clooney

This year I have seen Clooney in these 3 movies. Then I remember that stupid cover line "The Sexiest Man Alive". Yesterday "the coolest man that ever lived" was Dean Martin. Fuck that! Yes, the Clooney is cool. You can nickname him "COOLney". But what about his huge talent? What about his intelligence? What about the fact that his appearance is so natural and not a bit showing off? It is not like he don't give a shit on the way he looks (even he knows he looks so damn' good). It is rather like a man who consider himself not so good looking in a body of a very handsome man. It is a pleasure to see him acting. His appearance in Jay Leno's show was great, refreshing, tonic, smart. He can play with any actress - from Ellen DeGeneres to let's say Charlize Theron and that couple would be veridical and credible. He is an absolute ARTIST, above all. And very HUMAN.


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