Friday, September 22, 2006

Day Two - Credo

This blog it is about writing with images - image stories written about peoples, generally, but mainly about the most rich and fascinating human being: THE WOMAN. Because She is the beginning and the end. Because she is superior to man. Because She means Beauty. So, it will be about HER-story, rather than HIS-story. Or, an image history about HERstory as I am living it.
A true artistic image tells more than it shows. Only this way an image becomes a carrier for the message designed by the artist.
I think the most complete, true, honest and vivid portrait of a woman is her whole body, nude, with all the signs of her feminity. The most complete portrait of a woman is the portrait of her naked body. This is true for me, this is my belief, this is what I do.
I work only in natural light. Natural light means for me the existent quantity of light in a certain location at a certain moment. This could be sun-light, neon light, tungsten light or flash: the window, the lamp, the neon tube in the ceiling, a candle-light, a flash-light or in certain cases the camera flash.
I remember the good old days in the art high-school when we use to sketch, draw, paint or model in clay. We worked simply in the natural light coming from the big windows. It is then when I learned the natural light is magic and enough - because it is true and honest and authentic. Natural light belongs to the reality. Artificial light belongs to the dreams reality. It is a perfect valid artistic option. The only problem with that is this dreams are always ours - they are not the dreams of my female models. Working with sophisticated artificial light is what the artist is imagining about the model. Working with natural light is who the woman posing for you really is.
Natural light means naked. Artificial light means dressed, even when the model is naked. Because the model is dressed with the preconceived image from the artist's head. Artificial light means covering and correcting what the artist consider not to belong to his vision. Natural light means freeing the model to express who she really is from within.
This is my option.
I do not search the perfect (anatomic) beauty. I search the highest point of emotion in admiring a female naked body. I look at her through my lenses and when I feel the peaks of the emotion waves inside me I push the button. These are the magic moments.
A woman has maybe 60 different expressions during a minute. Its is up to the artist to catch the magic ones.
I work only with the women that I like, regardless their anatomy status. I do not like the perfect but cold anatomy of statues. I do not like the women who are using their enhanced anatomical beauty just to hide who they really are. Many of them are using their beauty as an armour. I rather prefer the beauty as a weapon, instead as a defenisve system.
I do not hire models for making nudes. I work only with women that I became friend with. And this takes time. But what a great reward!
For me the true beauty is the way a female body carries itself through space guided by her true self.
This digital image was shot on a very hot summer day in 2004. It was so hot outside that the whole park was absolutely empty.
And that's all for now.
I will not write that much in the future. I explained all these only now, only once. In the future I will write only about things I cannot capture in images.


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